A cry from the heart and soul stretches across the foundations of who you are, seeking to find if you have a solid foundation built from love and nurture. Then, as we recover, that instinct, that sense of needing wholeness, starts to direct us toward what heals and away from what hurts. Pain is there as part of the education of how to recover, so as challenging as it is, listening to what it has to say is necessary.
A cry can be enough to wash away the self delusions, and when hearts are open, it can wash away the delusions of others too. For we are born for love, to need it, to crave it, to give it and receive. We are born for the love-nexus and a world of cold indifference is the source of so many tears.
In gentle times a cry brings the cavalry, attention and love. In the days of sharp knives it brings more pain and isolation, and so you can be quite sure that the cries are of the desperate in pain that keeps on slicing deeper. And in these times some learn the magic trick of self healing, how to get out get up in silence... heal in silence... present themselves as well until one day it is true, and they are. Perhaps this is where we are now, with the self healed ready to become the army of helpers, the ones who turn the ship around with patient love and teaching.