10 downing street - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
!0 Downing street was a black door and a number to the world and the press, yet for us in those challenging years it was a place we came to appreciate from within.
10 Downing Street had been in our national consciousness for all our lifetimes and for generations, yet as the future unfolded it needed to learn how to share the stage all the more.
From 10 Downing Street came a natural sense of responsibility for our nation, yet also a historic sense of global responsibility to put our love for the globe into action-mode.
A nation needs leaders and icons, a sense that there is a big hearted and intelligent leader coordinating the way our nation cooperates and matures. !0 Downing Street was one such icon, one such place
Apparently, according to a secret Downing Street source, the next COBRA meeting will be held at a food bank so that the cabinet can eat the free food. We are yet to confirm this, but stay tuned for more Liz-ard news!