stone staircase - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
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The wisened stone of ancient days recieved each sole as if they revived its heartbeat.
By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, August 30, 2023.
The stone staircase is a solid pillar within our home. Upon it we played as children. Upon it we sat as teenagers. In that rising stone are all those loving memories, all those emotions, the good and the bad.
By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 21, 2021.
Soles upon the stone staircase, heads feeling the coming light, we make our way to the battlements of Dover.
By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 21, 2021.
The stone staircase was a dreamy spiral right to castle's top.
By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 21, 2021.