
Social health took a big jump when the cross-over advocacy groups began... groups of men dedicated to the health of women, groups of women dedicated to the health of men, faith groups supported or defended each other rather than themselves. It was when the rich formed groups dedicated to helping the poor, when the adults formed groups to promote play and sport for children. It was when the childless formed groups to support new parents and ensure their needs were met. It was a time when people learned anew how good it feels to support others instead of campaigning for the self. It brought feels of protectiveness and experience as a noble defender rather than exaggerating feelings of struggle and isolation - people started to feel loved and valued... it changed everything.


Social health happens when every basic need is met in a way that is compassionate and empathic. That's when health care spending plummets, educational outcomes rocket and creativity surges. That's when society becomes happy too, because health and happiness are linked, just as stress, cortisol and sickness are linked. It turns out that the right thing to do is the economically smart thing, the environmentally friendly thing and the most loving thing too. That's what happens when we assume love is the answer then find routes to get there... everything that was wrong starts to get fixed, positive cycles of healing begin.


From our trauma populations come the natural healers of society, our artists of words, sound, dance and image. For this is what happens when mental pain hits fever pitch, when the community needs to find love, togetherness and re-bond. It's how we come back to sustainability, to love of nature and one another.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 18, 2018.

If a house rises by 20 thousand in a year, it's a free 384 to the owner; so when we talk about 'spongers' and 'free benefits' can we remember who the key workers are and change the conversation? Because achieving social health depends on us taking the self-serving blinkers off. Is capitalism a kind of socialism which concentrates benefits only for the already wealthier members?