Perhaps it is time to rename the shark, it has been so maligned in lore that its survival as a species (and thus our survival) may depend on it. How about "shorphin" or "sholphin"? Make it more similar to "dolphin." It is hard to rehabilitate a word that is hardwired into the amygdala of millions. They need better PR.
The shark is as essential to the oceans as the wolf is to the forest. It brings a balance that protects the smaller creatures and flora, keeping their predators lower in number. As such the shark is a protector of the environment, a large and beautiful part of creation.
Blue light meets the silvery skin of the shark, cruising below the gentle waves above. There is such grace to his movements. In this moment he is a vital part of this oceanic scene, belonging to this ever-moving photograph.
The hammer head shark is as the best of jokes, the ones that make you laugh and feel warm inside at the same time. That they exist with that oddly shaped head is a joy to my heart, a jumping feeling of excitement like a little child.
The shark, this beautiful machine of nature, had an enchanted way of moving in the brine. It was as if all that instinct had condensed into a non-verbal intelligence, something so palpable.
These streamline bodies grace the deep blue, smoothly swimming on beneath any white-tipped wave-crest. They are a chorus, these sharks, a sort of solemn hymn to living and the way the ecosystem of the ocean functions.
The shark is a creature of sublime evolution, one that gives life to the ecosystem by controlling other large predators. It has both purpose and a steady confidence, a way of being that expands moments instead of grasping the seconds.
Forty six percent, almost half, of all sea plastics is old fishing gear. This gear is designed to kill marine life. We need to talk about this. There is no safe way to fish and protect dolphins, whales and sharks either. The labels are lies. It's all nuts, but we gotta save them, both because it is the right thing to do and it is the only way to save ourselves. Bottom line, plastic bags are bad, fishing net waste is worse. Vegan, anyone? I haven't been, but I've been heading that way and I think it's time to make that leap.