
It was a silly red carpet on the sidewalk, draped on concrete stairs, and yet it felt as if every fibre was the warmest of polite applause.


There was a sense of a rosy soul that came through that red carpet, as if its bright and bonny hue raised an arromance within.

Arromance - the aromatic arrow of romance only a natural flower of creation can bring, a sense of true heaven-sent love, the arrow of eros - that's my new word ;)

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 5, 2020.

The carpet was the hue of summer's deepest rose petals, and in those strong and sunny rays it was warm to the naked soles.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 5, 2020.

The red carpet of our age was for the kind of heroes we could rely on for their integrity and bravery. They were the ones who built themselves from stubbornness and obstinacy, each day awakening to do that which is right for others. Their actions spoke of a diligent and touching love for humanity and nature. So we honoured them, made them the role models for our children. That's important in a species such as ours, to put the right people on the stage.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 5, 2020.

The carpet was the romance of scarlet autumn leaves married to the sweetest of summer rose petals.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 5, 2020.