
Modern life needs to work with the biological reality we all evolved with, for while technology can move fast, evolution is slow, and things that jar with our biology stressful and cause poor health.


Modern life is an ill-fitting mixture of social darwinism and loving empathy. It is the money-nexus and the love-nexus, two fundamentally opposite systems that have become so intertwined we have lost the ability to tell them apart. Yet to fix our modern world, we must learn all we can about them... so that we can choose. One promotes power dynamics and vices as if they were virtues, it promotes brain development toward emotional indifference. The other promotes cooperation, empathy and creativity - boosting a more healthy brain development in the prefrontal cortex. We can have sustainability and peace, we can have a future for our children and theirs... if we are willing to learn about the love-nexus and chart our societies to socially evolve into it.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 1, 2021.

I’ve been waiting for, praying for, some kind of top-down change, but now I know it won’t happen that way. We’re fooling ourselves if we think it will. We’ll be watching some stupid reality show or playing computer games the moment the Earth goes past the tipping point and into an unstoppable greenhouse effect. We’ll still be being frightened by the news and placating ourselves with chemical laden junk food in pretty boxes, wrapped in plastic of course. We’ll still be chasing that lifestyle we’ve been groomed for from childhood to crave, that life equals consumption, success equals consumption. We’ll admire a system with no more morals than "rich is good" and you can do "whatever you can get away with" to accumulate more money than you can ever spend - while others starve. With no change we’ll continue to sacrifice our own children to the “daycare” system and then feel stressed when our damaged kids "act out." We won’t even stop to dwell on the fact that the number one cause of death of our minors is suicide - yes, children killing themselves. And for the record, that means our culture - the one we accept so passively - killed them. I can’t live with that, not anymore, and if you're being honest with yourself instead of swallowing the “I don’t care," " I’m too busy to care” party line, then you’ll know you can’t either.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 11, 2015*.

Found in Are you awake yet? - first draft, authored by Daisy.


You look like you're on guard, defensive. Can I help to put you at your ease? This is only a conversation with an exchange of views. Your face is so serious right now I wish I could play you twenty four hours of good comedy. Not in the mood to laugh? Okay. What if I say to you, “Let’s bring more Love into your life,” is that scary? No? What if I say “I’m going to encourage you to be guided by Love”? Scary? No? But you think I might say something different later? I said to think for yourself, be as difficult to herd as cats. I say Love is to be embraced and fear rejected - do we do that in our current society, or do we have it backwards? What do we have in our news and in hollywood? No wonder we’re confused - we’re scared by horrific news spliced with Fluffy the Wonder Cat and then distracted by “shiny things” (adverts and celebrity gossip). We think we’re addicted to gory murder shows and violence - all we do is self medicate ourselves into a deeper sleep so we don’t have to acknowledge that our world is dying at our own hands. We are killing the Earth...why are you blinking so much? Is there dirt in your eyes? I suggest a bath of pure water, clean it. You'll see so much more clearly...

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 26, 2015.

Found in Are you awake yet? - first draft, authored by Daisy.


In our western lifestyles we are crippled by a forced dissociation of the mind. We "believe" we stopped slavery but we actually know that we did not, we simply exported it. We are the beneficiaries of slaves in industries from seafood to chocolate plantations and fabrics. Our civilization is built on the bones of angels and I am here to tell you that everyone of those slaves suffering and dying is directly linked to the divine creator and so He is suffering in pain too. How can He not? But the disconnect that makes us "sleep" as the world is destroyed is not limited to slavery.

We know our world is dying but we buy hundreds of products we don't need - encouraged to dismiss alternatives as "crazy" or "hippy nonsense." As we carry on, struggling with dissociated minds, fuelling the wanton global destruction with our purchases, the elites laugh and keep our cash rolling in. They make no wealth, they steal it from us and control us with fear and distraction. If you want to save the planet, if you want to live a truly noble life, get away from mainstream media. As Jesus said, "you cannot worship God and money." You must choose. God is Love. You can Love the world and your fellow humans, fellow creatures, or you can suffer a system of greed in which the most corrupted and debased humans win power over us and make hell on earth.

Change is so simple, so empowering, so beautiful and fulfilling. Only buy products from virtuous cycles - that means ones that benefit people and planet. Buy nothing you don't really need. Buy local. Don't wrap your vegetables and groceries in disposable plastics. Take your money out of a big five and to the most ethical co-op you can. Trade and barter. Buy fair trade. Don't be fooled by companies that "green wash." We need radical changes to our system that only allow virtuous cycles to flourish. We can't just tweak our politics, we need a whole new system and it starts with you and me. The future is amazing, awesome. Come with me. We can heal.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 27, 2015.

Found in Are you awake yet? - first draft, authored by Daisy.