
With kindness, with a kind nest, you will ever have a happy home.


Kindness is a soft flowering of the soul, one that requires a strength of character to remain in ever-bloom.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 2, 2021.

Let kindness and love develop as your basic operating system so that all other choices must have compatibility. With a brain that runs that way, you'll be a credit to yourself and those who love you.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 2, 2021.

There was kindness in his smile, a gentleness. It was the smile of one who laughed with ease and saw person under the behaviour, a soul-connector. He was the kind of person who lived how he believed people should, as if he were sunshine that only radiated from the best aspects of those he met, their flaws entirely invisible to his gaze. He was a calm sea, dancing birdsong and the new buds of spring. Yet, most of all, he was my friend.


Her eyes spoke of a beautiful soul and her movements told of a need for nurture, but then perhaps that's how we all are. How telling it is that so many have the appearance of the animal that has known intense suffering, such at the dogs that are rescued from cruel indifference. I knew right then, that all she needed was my love, something steady to hold onto and in time those eyes would shine as they were born to. And perhaps in that rescuing of her I was rescuing myself too. For what is the appearance but the window dressing of the soul?

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 14, 2019.

In this life, my good friend, you aren't the fountains in the park or the fireworks on the fourth of July. You aren't a fine wine or an aged cheese. You are fresh air and clean water, you are rich soil for the harvest and the sweet spring rain. You are all the things we don't know we need or love so dearly, until they are gone. So now that we swim in the tidewater of our sixth decades, it's time to tell you what you mean to me, what you mean to all those lives you have touched. No-one can change the world in a single stroke, my love, but with each kind deed you made all the difference in the world and I feel blessed to know you.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 28, 2015.

She had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. Her black skin was completely flawless. I doubt she used face masks or expensive products, that really wasn't her m.o. She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why her skin glowed so, it was her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled and laughed you couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in her company was to feel that you too were someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 4, 2014.

Horse whisperers take the approach of love and kindness. They don’t lean in and speak in a special equine language, they let the horse run free in a pen. When she stops they signal the horse and if she stands they will pet her like her mother did, with soft body contact. When she wants to run away they let her run it out. When she tires of that she’ll come back for more petting. The process repeats, the horse learns to trust them and then they begin to work together in a positive relationship. What is the “traditional” approach? To “break” a horse? Whips, fear, beating - often ending in sending the horse for slaughter when it is too traumatized to be of use. Why do we treat horses this way? Do we treat people this way? Can we see the same approach in our homes and schools? Do we control our children with fear tactics? Isn't that how the education system began?

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 26, 2015*.

Found in Are you awake yet? - first draft, authored by Daisy.


There is more to kindness than a smile, no matter its warmth. Though smiles are appreciated. There is more to kindness than an embrace, no matter its strength. Though hugs are medicine. Real kindness, you see, can't be a thing skin deep. It must be a part of our atoms, an essential element of our souls. For life is not only the good times, yet the times of challenge too. And when else do we need kindness most, but then?