
The bag is at last heavy with food, already I am dreaming of the family meals I can now make.


The bag is heavy, but I am blessed that it is full.


It is part of the circle of my life to have every material possession in one suitcase again. Though it feels heavy to lift, upon its wheels it is ready to trundle onwards, as is my sprit.


A heavy bag and a light heart, it is time for that bon voyage.


The hessian wheat bag is the gold of the sun, and each of us take it in turns to bare its divine weight. That it is so heavy is a story of blessings, of a strong harvest, of the food security we've been praying for.


We take a heavy bag upon these trips, it will be empty upon our return. These are the giving missions, the times we go out to share our blessings.


A heavy bag, a stout heart and sturdy boots - it is time to unlock the gated road. It is time we begin.