being human - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
With proper brain development, with a healthy prefrontal cortex able to use empathy and logic together, we make the kind of choices that make us humane and able to take good care of creation. Being human should be a matter of pride.
Being human is a choice we make everyday when we chose to stay anchored in the love-nexus, when we ensure that "the thing between us" is always a sense of love. In doing so, we build our brains the right way, develop a strong and sober prefrontal cortex.
Being human is being born for love, and the trouble of our times is squaring that biological need, that evolved expectation, with the coldness of a money-nexus world.
"And if you want further casual evidence of the meekness of the human being, how they are are a social animal that feels bound to social rules, go to a supermarket. Here, in a society plagued by hunger, where one in five lacks adequate nutrition, there is one uniformed guard who daily as nothing to do but stand there is if only a door greeter. It is because we are docile and cooperative that this system has been in place so long, and it is because we are docile and cooperative that the system is redundant. Food could easily be removed from the monetary system and enable the world to eat freely. With good role modelling the new societal expectations would be adopted and we would follow those patterns instead."
It is human to feel the light and the dark. It is human to have a full range of emotions - a full "tool kit." All those feelings are normal and useful depending on the situations we find ourselves in. We evolved to have them all, we just have to know when it is appropriate to use them and what to do with unwanted feelings of anger or negativity. For the most part we just need to run it out - sometimes literally. We evolved to move, to get physically tired almost daily. There isn't anything wrong with being human and there's a whole lot that's right about it. We get to choose who we are, to choose to be the angels of our better natures and build our own personhood.
There is nothing more human than feeling love. It takes over our minds, allowing us to love so many people, places, creatures. We can also love learning, discovery and achievement. Many times in our lives we are lead to believe we should either love "this or that," or "this person or that person," but love isn't like that. Love isn't limited in that way. We can love "this and that," "this person and that person." We can be less competitive, less jealous over who is the more loved. The more love we give, the more we have, like the most awesome magic trick in the world. It's part of being human - the best part.
"Fear is part of being human, David, it's the precursor to bravery. We need it, it wakes us up to what needs to be done. So feel it, own it, let it ignite your thoughts."
Eyota sat, her head slumped into her hands. Her father rested a gentle hand on her shoulder. "What is it my love, what has you so sad today?" She almost cried as she spoke, her pain inside moving like ocean waves just to speak her mind.
"People are bad," she said, "people are bad and our mother Earth is dying." Just to say it out loud let hot tears flood down her face. Her father wrapped her in his arms and let her melt into his form.
"My love, people aren't bad."
"They are! I've seen it on the television! I hear it in the news! "
"Eyota, Eyota, think of the people you actually know. Don't you see the light of the Creator within them?"
"In you, Papa, I see it in you."
"And in you too, Eytota. But His light my love, is in everyone. We come from the Creator, so how can it not be? All people are good, baby girl, they just have to reach inside and find it. Let me tell you the stories of real people I know, let me tell you of how they came through adversity to be so good to their friends, family and often times, strangers." Eyota settled down next to her father. His stories had the truth she needed...