a letter to america - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Dear America,
You are either one nation or you're not,
You either band together or fight it out as separate bands,
Longterm peace and prosperity or longterm war and suffering,
Shake hands or shake fists,
Shoot from the heart or the hip,
Brothers in arms or brothers in arms,
You have the power to make your dreams come true,
Yet you also have the power to make your fears come true,
For there comes a time when paranoias become self-fulfilling prophecies,
Hate is addictive and it changes the brain,
Love is equally addictive and it changes the brain,
This is why God calls you all to love,
Dream your dream,
What you dream will be.
As ever your pal,
Dearest America,
In these pandemic days it is time to let go of rancour and the language of competition and division. It is time to embrace kind speech, compassion and empathy - words that bring a sense of togetherness, trust and mutual support. What the world loves about America is not the things that money brings, yet the warmth of your hearts and the childish sense of joy you shine on the world. So, team USA, we need you to keep that light bright and come together in good faith. You may not have a health care system as other developed nations do, yet you can play to your greatest strength - your warm hearts, your love of being heroes, your team spirit and faith in love and liberty. When you channel your inner Captain America or Wonder Woman, you will rise through the dark days and emerge into the daylight as one, truly united and in a state you can be proud of,
May God be with you all,
Angela Abraham
Dear America,
If you put your stimulus funding in the pockets of farmers and stores they can distribute fresh food for free. If you keep to your existing supply chain routes rather than waiting for checks you can avoid social unrest and riots from the hungry masses.
And, please, for the love of God, keep social distancing until there's a vaccine. The level of deaths Italy had in your population would bring millions of deaths.
Stay safe USA, the rest of the world loves you,
Angela Abraham